
Helping Couples Using the Truth

Lisa Campbell, Owner


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Helping Couples Using the Truth

Imagine building stronger relationships with your partners and others.. I am constantly blown away by my client's commitment to relationships, even when they are struggling for years. Professionals know from research that couples will deal with their problems for YEARS before coming to our offices for help. They enter weary, and yet still hopeful for change. Research

further tells us that relational joy, being with other human beings in an intimate connection, is a human beings happiest joy and is completely satisfying. As therapists, we are intimacy merchants, assisting others in building strong, healthy, and fully connected relationships. Humans are shown to live longer and recover faster from illness when they are in meaningful relationships with others!

In our work with couples, NEGC therapists strive to improve their client's relationships through direct, honest feedback delivered in a gentle manner in which clients can begin to see their own role in keeping them from the relationships they so badly want to have. I, myself, know that it is hard to hear the truth, yet it is also the very best method of allowing one the option to change. I am in awe of the vulnerability I see clients take in therapy to get the desired outcome they are wanting from their relationships with their partners. Hearing the truth of their situation often propels clients to make change in a shorter time frame. If you are in the market for a stronger, better relationship, couple's counseling might be just where to start. NEGC therapists are eager to help you increase your relational joy and improve your overall happiness.